15 Surprisingly Essential Things You’ll Need On Your Wedding Day

Wedding Survial Kit

After being around as many weddings as I have, I’ve learned that a few items start off as ordinary everyday items but morph into these magical lifesavers on a wedding day.

I encourage everyone to have these 15 items in their wedding survival kit:

  • Heel Stoppers: There is nothing worse than wearing these amazing-looking heels. Then your wedding photographer drags you across a grassy lawn, and you feel yourself sinking into the ground. Yup, I'm that wedding photographer. Heel stoppers prevent that from happening. You will not regret these - I PROMISE YOU!

  • Safety Pins - For things that need to be pulled close, that should be closed, but somehow chose not to do their one job on your wedding day.

  • Simple Sewing Kit - For things that need more than a safety pin.

  • Mint Chewing Gum: Everyone’s mouth gets suddenly dry and parched on wedding days. Having mint gum helps dispel that, and it lasts longer than a regular mint or tic-tac.

  • Hand Fans: On your wedding day, you’re going to experience a flush of adrenaline and stress. Anticipatory stress is a fantastic feeling, but it does heat you up. Having a small hand fan on you will seem like a stroke of genius when you’re in the thick of things. If your wedding is on a hot summer day, you’re going to have to beat people off with a stick.

  • Lint Roller - You want to look fabulous in all of your pictures; let’s make sure there’s no tiny bit of debris on your outfits.

  • Phone Battery Packs - Because you’re going to need power for your devices that's easily accessible. It also doesn't have to be so fancy. You can swing by Five-Below and gift them to your attendants.

  • Handkerchiefs - Because you’re going to get hot and sweaty, and using tissues can sometimes leave little bits of lint all over you.

  • Bobby Pins - No matter how many bobby pins you have, you’re going to need 10 more. Why? I don’t know.

  • Floss - So nothing mars your lovely smile.

  • Benadryl, Anti-Acid & Pain Killers - In case things overwhelm you and you start to feel terrible.

  • Granola Bars - This keeps food nearby, so you don’t get too hungry. Anticipatory stress + lots of excitement + Empty Stomach = Hangry. Note what I said, Hangry, not hungry. There’s a difference - a frightening difference.

  • Super Glue - In the event anything essential breaks.

  • Tide-Stick - This is for the inevitable stain that will appear on your outfit right before it's time to take your formal pictures.

  • Bug-Spray - You will be eternally grateful, especially if you’re having a summer wedding outdoors.

Morayo Sayles

Rhode Island Wedding and Portrait Photographer


Newport Vineyards Wedding | Middletown, RI


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